Plastics- Material Recycle
Business Content

"Material Recycling" of Plastic is our Proud Field.
In order to construct a circulating type economic society, you cannot miss the development of recycling business.
Cutoff/edge plastic materials which occurs at production of factory are sometimes burnt or used for reclaimation. In order to minimize the aforesaid activities, we are proudly participating in the recycling business long before our establishment of BAF since 1986. This proud field is export and import of plastic raw materials developed based in Hong Kong.
We are mainly handling PS, PET, PP, PE, PVC, PC, PMMA...etc; not just recycling materials but also virgin grades, off grades, stock materials, reprocessed pellets. Forms recycling materials are skeletons, runners, cutoffs and so on. Majority is A-grade recycling raw material (100% recyclable) which is judged by our long time experience, and most of the commodities are continuously and stably supplying to our regular buyers from reprocessing plants and manufacturing factories.
Continuation of recycling business is crucial. Cutoff materials like everyday occurs are collected efficiently and reprocessed for existing markets which can use them as raw materials. This flows smoothly and each company can earn their part. The most difficult part for this cycle is the multi-kinds of recycling plastic in comparison with recycling metal and paper; and one mistake can end up the whole lot of materials for fuel use or become rubbish. Moreover, there are many new materials and relative knowledge becomes necessary. We bear a part in the raw materials supply, and we cooperate the joint job for not originating environmental pollution but constructing a "circulating type of recycling business".
"There is a promising future for industry which is related to construction of circulating type of environmental issues in Japan society; as for quick expansion of the markets and employment scale are expected to reach 70 trillion Yen and 1.5 million people respectively in 2010. Among these, an even bigger growth is expected for green industries and other confronting industries." (Excerpted from Nikkei Ecology)
Commodity Circulating System
By reprocessing the cutoff materials from factories and stuffing the reprocessed materials into containers at each factory site, we arrange transportation all the way from warehouse to port and export them.
Large portion of the materials delivers directly to reprocessing factories of foreign countries, but some are also handled by local trading companies.
Even for the materials merchandised by local trading companies, BAF Hong Kong and GuangZhou staff trace and inspect regularly at stock warehouses and reprocessing plants to make sure materials' consistency and smooth shipment for you.
Mutualism (Symbiosis)
For us, cutoffs and edge materials which produced in factories are possible for reprocess and export; we estimate them entirely by opportunity cost. In order to place recycling business in the track which corresponds to a profit basis, we demand several improvements to our customers:
1) divide and classify each type of resin.
2) explain the grades and points of caution for recycle in advance.
3) improve packing method in order to be suited for transporting and storage. (as for stacking 20 tons in 40 feet container is very important.)
In large quantity where there is a case transportation cost is high because packing way in container, these are destined for reprocessing. Introduce a safe press machine to do so can possibly increase the selling price. Being smooth and efficient logistics (transporting system) is a very important element for the recycling business for which it can continue.
Apart from reprocessed plastic raw materials we are handling, we are increasing the sale of off grades, stocks and so on for the result which endeavors the responsibility to stablize the flow of material recycling. We are looking at the point where we can handle more prime grades and also build an overseas plastic fabrication factory with our favorable relationships.
Recycling Collaboration
Recycling Collaboration
Large number of specialized recycling factories were established lining to the variety of plastic resins. As our center business is trading, we handle all types of raw materials.
BAF exerts the greatest effort to market development and creation of raw materials which can be stably supplied. We would like to keep promoting recycled raw materials and collaborate with particular factories.